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Program Assistance for Projects for Peace with GW Undergraduate Students
Professor Robert Orttung’s students are working on a project with the Nashman Center for Projects for Peace at the George Washington University. Their objective is to document the Ukrainian war through stories from NGOs and the refugees directly impacted. They are traveling to Eastern Europe in June and July of this year and collecting interviews and stories in the region. Once the students return, they plan to publish these stories on a website and send selected ones to Congress to boost support for humanitarian aid for Ukraine.
Fellow Accomplishments
Oleg Yarosh
Yarosh, O. (2023). Vielfältiger Bildteppich. Muslime in der Ukraine während des Kriegs.
Religion & Gesellschaft in Ost und West, 9, 31–33.
Yarosh, O. (2023). Review of Baig, M., & Gleave, R. (Eds.). (2021). Violence in Islamic
Thought from European Imperialism to the Post-Colonial Era (Vol. 3). Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP. Sententiae, 42(3), 151–160. (Ukrainian)
Yarosh, O., & Yakubovych, M. (2024). Ukraine. In A. Alibašić & S. Akgonul (Eds.), Yearbook
of Muslims in Europe, Volume 15 (pp. 650-667).
Yuriy Zaliznyak
Freedom of the press and national interests | 8 | Russian information
Elmira Muratova
2024. “Krimtatarische Studien nach 2014. Ein Forschungsfeld in der Grauzone.” Für Vielfalt 340
(1): 30–32.
2023. “Verfolgung und Abkapselung. Die Krimtataren und Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine.”
Religion & Gesellschaft in Ost und West 9: 28–30.
2023. With Elmira Akhmetova (eds.). Muslims of Central Eurasia since the 19th Century: Daily
Life, Identity, Intellectual Thought and Education. Baku: “Idrak” Public Union.
ZOIS Spotlight 6/2024 “The Lives and Hopes of Crimean Tatars after the 2014 Annexation”,
Oriente Medio News,
Vitaliy Lytvyn
As part of the program, Dr. Lytvyn participated in an international scientific conference titled “Institutional, Party, and Electoral Factors of the Political Process in Ukraine and Other European Countries in Times of War and Uncertainty: National, Supranational, and Subnational Levels,” held in Lviv on November 24-25, 2023. During the conference, he presented a paper on “Initiation and Consequences of Interstate Conflicts and Wars in Different Systems of Government: A Statistical Perspective.” Thus, the conference proceedings include my article prepared in Ukrainian, namely:
Lytvyn, V., & Demchenko, N. (2024). Initiation and Consequences of Interstate Conflicts and
Wars in Different Systems of Government: A Statistical Perspective. In: Political Parties and Elections: Ukrainian and World Practices: Vol. 8 (pp. 98-119). Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Iryna Baltaziuk
Baltaziuk, I. “Iryna Vorona. Flucht”. WIRmachenDRUCK GmbH: Backnang, Germany, 2024,
116 p. ISBN: 978-3-00-078574-0
Baltaziuk, I. (2024) New impulses for the development of creative professions in the post-pandemic world. Current Issues of the Humanities: Drohobych State Pedagogical University, Drohobych, Ukraine. Issue 71, Vol. 1. P. 61-70. DOI